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The treatment duration is 6 weeks in the absence and 3 months in the presence of an internal fixation device. Development of such neurologic symptoms is most often a slow process, but hemorrhage into a metastatic lesion should be suspected when acute neurologic symptoms, like seizure, develop, especially in patients with melanoma. Risk of osteomyelitis of the jaw induced by oral bisphosphonates in patients taking medications for osteoporosis: a hospital-based cohort study in Japan. As the joints of the upper limbs are often the first to become affected, patients complain that they keep dropping things, and cannot carry a shopping basket. In some patients, the ovarian and uterine arterial supplies anastomose at the level of the uterus. As the stenosis becomes more severe with time, the obstruction to the forward flow of blood becomes greater, resulting in increased left atrial pressures, atrial dilatation complicated by thrombosis, atrial fibrillation and pulmonary oedema. Patients may have progressive back pain and either wound drainage or a sinus tract, evidence of a deep fluid collection on imaging, or fever. As has been already pointed out more than once, in the case of medicine, and in all other cases, at that, we ought not to be influenced by haste and by the eagerness to recover the money invested and see gains multiplied. Surgical repair of liver injuries can have than mortality rates in excess of 33%, making transcatheter management a more appealing approach [10]. To this aim the University of San Francisco has already released a manual containing safety procedures and recommendations to protect students during their laboratory work, and a website is open to guide them [16, 17]. Current routine diagnostic practice does not particularly recognize these tumors and their management is still the same as that of those of other grade/stage breast cancer, presumably owing to the fact that the genes responsible for their aggressive phenotype have not been fully elucidated. The patient may complain of ulnar nerve symptoms if there is associated inflammation irritating the nerve. It is worth noting that most of the patients treated for brain metastases now die of extracranial disease (Khuntia et al. Try to differentiate between active movement limited by pain and passive movement limited less by pain than by intrinsic stiffness of the cervical column, most commonly 298 the spine and pelvis caused by degenerative spondyolytic changes. Relations the deep and superficial surfaces of a neurilemmoma, also known as the schwannoma), are very rare. Surface the inner surface of an abscess is a layer of granulation tissue that is inseparable from the indurated inflamed tissues around it. Moving red cells alter the frequency of the reflected ultrasound according to the Doppler principle. Toxicity and transfer of metal oxide nanoparticles from microalgae to sea urchin larvae. Coils are the most common embolic agent and are used by the majority of operators. The healthy response to acute blood loss, the reticulocyte response, is usually absent,11 probably because of the failure of the kidneys to increase erythropoietin production and a hyporeactive bone marrow. Using case studies and practical exercises to provide a strong work-based emphasis, this practical guide will enable you to build on your existing experiences to develop your leadership and management skills, and to develop strategies and approaches to improving care for your patients. Systematic review of quality of life and other patient-centred outcomes after cardiac arrest survival. Such visits provide the opportunity for personalised education on how to prevent recurrences, recognise anaphylaxis symptoms, and self inject adrenaline correctly. Children and the elderly are particularly at risk: the young fail to recognize the hazard, and the elderly are often unable to avoid it as a consequence of immobility and frailty. A high index of suspicion for late manifestations of neurodevelopmental problems must be maintained. History Age Everyone, except for albinos, has a few moles at birth, but the number increases during life. If superinfection occurs, this entity has to be considered as acute or 19 Osteomyelitis of the Jaws 291 secondary chronic osteomyelitis. Data from a small, randomised, double blind trial, showed that verapamil, propranolol, and digoxin all reduced the frequency of symptoms, with all equally effective.

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Although the exact mechanisms of chemotherapy-induced cognitive dysfunction have yet to be elucidated, animal models demonstrate a clear link. If infection is suspected, anti-inflammatory drugs should be avoided, because they can reduce symptoms and delay diagnosis. The abdominal type Ib endoleak was treated with staged bilateral internal iliac artery embolization and extension of the stent grafts into the external iliac arteries. So, even if, by a sort of slight-of-hand much of what is incinerated disappears from our sight, the result is not particularly exciting. Contributors: this article was suggested after discussion at a departmental audit meeting. Differential permeability of the blood-brain barrier in experimental brain metastases produced by human neoplasms implanted into nude mice. It is easy to see that the dust must have been inhaled and ingested by those who survived the explosion and also by people who lived relatively far from there. Contrast injection should be performed at a rate of 4­5ml/sec, preferably with low osmolality contrast at an iodine dose of 1. Reaction to antibiotics can indicate viral disease in retrospect-for example, production of rash when amoxicillin is given in the presence of Epstein Barr virus infection. So, if for convenience particles may be considered "one" pathogen, we must be conscious of its inherent huge differences. Symptoms the principal complaint is of a persistent nodule or an ulcer with a central scab that repeatedly falls off and then re-forms. Small naevi are sessile hemispheres, but as they grow they can become pedunculated. We do not know whether that was actually the case, but if the clogged air-conditioner filters were disposed of in incinerators, the dust would have taken part in another combustion and would have been reintroduced into the environment as particles different in size from the initial ones and with the same chemical elements combined in different ways. Various mechanical thrombectomy devices are available and can be categorized based on their mechanism of action. Uterine fibroid embolization: the utility of aortography in detecting ovarian collateral supply. The tumour can arise at any position, but is most commonly found in the upper extremity, lower leg and femur. Pleuritic pain may be a consequence of repeated chest infections and pleural inflammation. They are widely distributed on the trunk, limbs, palms of the hands and soles of the feet. Aortic dissection: new frontiers in diagnosis and management: Part I: from etiology to diagnostic strategies. The tendency to produce keloid scars is a congenital trait, common in black individuals. This small randomized study was terminated early by the data safety monitoring committee; however, it has been suggested that the I. Blood pressure may be elevated as a result of either long-standing hypertension or the acute pain. There is significant dilatation of the intra- and extra-hepatic ducts and the pancreatic duct. Sixty cases of extreme osteonecrosis and osteomyelitis of the mandible and maxilla in a West African population. Long-term therapy of paroxysmal supraventricular tachycardia: a randomized, double-blind comparison of digoxin, propranolol and verapamil. Surface Their surface is smooth, but their edge is often ill defined and indistinct. Genetic mutations make it possible for some of the cancer cells to gain the ability to metastasize Table 16. As repeated frequently thoughout this book, many of those particles are biopersistent and our organism cannot eliminate them or, in any case, not in an efficient way. J Antimicrob Chemother 2008;62:5-34 · American Thoracic Society; Infectious Diseases Society of America. An estimated 200 000 central venous catheters were inserted in the United Kingdom in 1994,1 and the figure is probably even higher today.

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Apply a painful stimulus by pressing hard on the bone of the upper orbit or the manubrium sterni if they do not respond. In summary, this research found that withholding fluid resuscitation from animals with critical blood loss (about half their circulating volume) was associated with death, whereas animals with less severe blood loss had a lower mortality with no fluid resuscitation. At mammography, breast cancer frequently manifests as an ill-defined or spiculated mass, with or without associated calcifications, or as architectural distortion, focal asymmetric density, or calcifications. A failure to achieve superficial vein emptying indicates deep vein obstruction or reflux through incompetent valves in the deep or communicating veins. Immunoglobulin replacement has a role in patients with hypogammaglobulinaemia, who are prone to severe and chronic enteroviral disease. Studies have found that, as in patients with Her2-positive breast cancer, patients with nSclc adenocarcinoma have significantly longer median overall survival times but are also more likely to develop brain metastasis compared with patients with other nSclc histologic subtypes (neider et al. If bone changes appear on the new radiograph, antibiotic treatment guided by bone biopsy or deep tissue culture results if bone biopsy is unavailable should be considered. The Chang trial studied patients with cerebral metastases from cancers of all histologies but mainly lung and breast. In patients with pneumonia, this may be days or weeks, and after an oesophageal rupture the effusion is immediate (see Chapter 15). Extracorporeal membrane oxygenation and neonatal respiratory failure: experience from the extracorporeal life support organization. As a consequence, coronary artery blood flow is reduced, and pain develops when the heart is asked to work harder during exercise. The survival rate was 31/34 (89%), with laparotomy performed in 15/34 and embolisation in 13/34. Intrathrombus bolusing refers to initial administration of concentrated fibrolytic agent in the thrombus. We believe that this not only ensures the safety of the patient but also improves the accuracy of stent placement because of the combination of bronchoscopy and fluoroscopy [4]. The best long-term results were obtained for post-traumatic epistaxis, where definite exclusion of the direct cause of the bleeding can be achieved [14]. Bony contours the bone at the edge of the articular cartilage may feel irregular and protuberant. A detailed clinical examination in conjunction with the imaging findings must be carried out to determine the level(s) to be treated and rule out other causes of pain and neurological compromise. Palpation the trachea is normally central, but collapse of a lobe or lung results in deviation towards the affected side. In fact, smoke is indicated as responsible for a number of diseases, first of all cardiovascular ones, which, at least in appearance, do not have anything to do with cancer. Risk of venous thromboembolism associated with peripherally inserted central catheters: a systematic review and meta-analysis. It is absurd to concentrate on the detailed drills of assessment of the airway and breathing if the patient obviously has a normal airway but is losing vast amounts of blood ­ even to the point of literally bleeding to death. A caesarean hysterectomy may be considered either electively, if the woman has completed her desired family, or as an emergency procedure, when other conservative procedures have failed to control bleeding. Pass the dilator over the wire to a depth a little greater than the predicted vessel depth; this reduces the risk of vessel injury. Christenson J, Andrusiek D, Everson-Stewart S, Kudenchuk P, Hostler D, Powell J, et al. However, T790M mutation has been found in one case of brain metastasis and in one case of leptomeningeal metastasis (Katayama et al. There were high rates of respiratory troubles, sinus problems or nasal/post-nasal irritations, shortness of breath, throat irritation and wheezing, persistent cough, asthma and headache [17­19], but the official attitude was a sort of trust that all those were brief disorders bound to heal on their own. Prevalence and risk factors of bisphosphonateassociated osteonecrosis of the jaw in prostate cancer patients with advanced disease treated with zoledronate. Unlike medicine as it has been conceived so far, nanomedicine requires apparently very different skills. Cerebral contusion is focal brain injury caused by the impact of the brain surface against the internal ridges of the skull. A child may present later in life if the diagnosis was missed when he or she was newborn.

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Emergency treatment of anaphylactic reactions-guidelines for healthcare providers. Increasing abdominal distension, tenderness and guarding are all significant signs, especially when associated with a rising pulse and other signs of hypovolaemia. We tried to introduce some toner with the subject being totally unaware and the reactions were the same. The glands are commonly matted together, but there may be some discrete glands above or below the matted mass. They are thus superficial to the neck muscles and close to the skin but are rarely fixed to the skin. Overlying skin One or more discharging or healed sinuses may be present depending on the stage of the disease. An extradural haematoma is usually the result of haemorrhage from the middle meningeal artery. Release the compression on the radial artery, and watch the blood flow into the hand. The prognostic value of clinical and pathologic factors in esophageal adenocarcinoma: a Mayo cohort of 796 patients with extended follow-up after surgical resection. Haemorrhage into the peritoneum or retroperitoneum often causes pain as well as collapse, and may be associated with bruising around the umbilicus or flank (see Chapter 15). Complications Inadequate excision of the nail bed may result in the regrowth of spikes of nail. Patients with multiple injuries or chest problems causing hypoxia should be given high-flow oxygen through a closed-circuit oxygen mask from the moment of their arrival in the accident and emergency department. The early application of suction after drainage of a pneumothorax should be avoided because of an increased risk of re-expansion pulmonary oedema precipitated by the rapid reinflation of the collapsed lung. Lower end of femur Upper end of tibia Colour the overlying skin may be reddened, and the subcutaneous veins visibly distended. The oedema fluid is rich in protein, in contrast to the oedema of heart and kidney failure, which has a low protein content. However, this is a very rare event, which has not been observed in 203 patients with chronic osteomyelitis reported by Baltensperger [39]. The nodule is usually 1­2 cm in diameter by the time the centre of the lump begins to necrose. Sex Sporadic, recurrent and bilateral dislocations are all more common in females. By using embolic agents, occlusion balloons, and stent grafts radiologists have produced a paradigm shift in the management of such cases. Post-delivery the interventional radiologists were prepared to embolize via the occlusion balloon lumens. In other experiments carried out with other nanoparticles, we noted a lesser growth of the treated plants than of the reference ones [13]. History Severe acute pain, redness and swelling usually develop in the first metatarsophalangeal joint. A single dose of prophylactic antibiotic cover (cefazolin 1g) was administered intravenously on the day of the intervention. In anterior dislocation, the elbow is extended, and the olecranon cannot be felt in its usual position. A safe needle route was planned avoiding the ribs, pleura, transverse processes, and renal cortex. Score Supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage One systematic review found that evacuation of spontaneous supratentorial intracerebral haemorrhage improves outcome (odds ratio 0. The knee and elbow joints may become so disorganized that the limb becomes flail-like, with grossly abnormal but painless movements. Club foot (Congenital talipes equinovarus) these deformities of the foot and ankle develop in utero and are usually present at birth. After successful ablation of the left lesion the small pneumothorax was aspirated with a three-way tap and a 20ml Luer-lock syringe. Complete response in hEr2+ leptomeningeal carcinomatosis from breast cancer with intrathecal trastuzumab. It blocks the activity of acetylcholinesterase, resulting in elevated levels of the neurotransmitter acetylcholine in the neural synapse. Conditions that present like benign tumours Fibrous dysplasia In this condition, normal bone is replaced by fibrous bone tissue.

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A pulsatile mass beneath an incision in the groin at the site of a previous vascular anastomosis is most likely to be a false aneurysm. All patients with facial burns or burns in an enclosed area should be assessed by an anaesthetist and the need for early intubation ascertained before transfer to a specialist unit. It is impossible to guess where a particular volume of blood is going to go and, with it, the particles it may contain. The overall survival rate reported in these trials is comparable to the median survival after initial surgical resection. A case that shows clearly how, probably unexpectedly for many people, pollution can travel is that of a loaf of bread we got from Tierra del Fuego, the southernmost tip of Argentina where there are no industries, car traffic is extremely scarce and no wheat is grown. Other procedure-related factors associated with infection include multiple-level surgery and staged procedures, such as anterior/posterior procedures on separate days [23]. A few cells are believed to survive as indolent micrometastases and others would be capable of proliferating and give rise to a macroscopic and clinical significant metastasis. The initial neurologic symptoms reported in four of five patients with gallbladder cancer brain metastases included hemiparesis, aphasia, and hypoesthesia (Kawamata et al. Ischaemic rupture of the chordae tendineae will result in acute mitral regurgitation and a pansystolic murmur. Incidence of and mortality from acute upper gastrointestinal haemorrhage in the United Kingdom. As described, several newer endovascular options are available which extend the indication for endovascular repair. The latter provides a strong clinical rationale for the use of novel therapies in these patients. The second key point was the decision to perform direct stenting using sirolimuseluting stents in a long lesion (9cm). Uterine artery embolization versus surgery in the treatment of symptomatic fibroids: a systematic review and metaanalysis. Non-specific symptoms such as loss of appetite, weight loss, malaise, fatigue and low-grade fevers are common. The main search terms used were "trauma," "resuscitation," "fluid," and "goal directed therapy. Front-line chemotherapy with cisplatin and etoposide for patients with brain metastases from breast carcinoma, non-small cell lung carcinoma, or malignant melanoma: a prospective study. Viruses, bacteria, parasites, conventional poisons and the sheet-anchors psychology and genetics may not be enough to explain pathology or, as is growing more and more widespread, unusual, sometimes never-seen-before, syndromes. A specific study on eight malformed babies born in an industrialized area of Sicily (South of Italy) where oil refineries are located was carried out. Compartment syndrome of the forearm can occur, and is a very important diagnosis not to miss. For that well-founded reason the pieces of equipment that now work with radiation use the lowest possible quantities and people who are exposed to radioactivity for professional necessities are kept under constant control. It also supplies the taste receptors and sensory endings of the mucous membrane of the pharynx. In a study of 10 197 hospitalised patients the incidence of severe hypophosphataemia was 0. The back (see Chapter 9) (Thoraco-lumbar spine) the discovery of the paralysis or weakness of several muscles may be the first indication of a spinal cord injury. Patency of the superficial femoral artery or proximal tibial vessels may be compromised if treatment of the run-off vessels is not pursued [8]. Many patients with head injuries are found unconscious at the scene of a high-speed accident, with focal neurological signs. Imaging features of postoperative complications after spinal surgery and instrumentation. The prehospital consensus guidelines emphasise that dressings help relieve pain from exposed nerve endings and keep the area clean. Some patients who survive a large fullthickness infarct may develop a left ventricular aneurysm.

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Learning point the spleen is the most frequently injured solid organ as a result of either blunt or penetrating trauma [3]. Prolactinomas (lactotroph) secrete excessive prolactin, and a microprolactinoma is typically responsible for amenorrhoea and galactorrhoea in young females. There are many histological varieties of benign meningioma, including syncytial, fibrous and transitional, but the distinction is usually of little clinical significance. Food and Drug administration for patients with relapsed or refractory cutaneous T-cell lymphoma (Lane and Chabner, 2009). Myelopathy There is an upper motor neuron deficit caused by spinal cord dysfunction usually caused by direct compression associated with a compromise of cord perfusion. In acute infections with sepsis syndrome, blood cultures must be obtained before starting rational empiric antimicrobial treatment. Symptoms the inability to extend the tip of a finger History Age and sex There are two groups of patients affected by this condition ­ middle-aged females and very young children. However, in 2010, the Journal of Neurooncology published an extensive array of guidelines. Antithrombotic therapy for venous thromboembolic disease: American College of Chest Physicians Evidence-Based Clinical Practice Guidelines (8th edition). Renal function must be assessed, and the abdomen should be auscultated for bruits in all atherosclerotic patients who are found to be hypertensive. Moreover, samarium-153 has selective indications in bone methastases as it induces a peripheral osteoblastic reaction. As a rule, wound-healing disturbances after sternotomy-irrespective of severity-must be referred, without delay, to the responsible cardiac surgeon for evaluation. The syndrome involves prolonged somnolence following irradiation and may be accompanied by fever, headache, nausea, vomiting, and irritability. Audio and visual feedback to rescuers are given in real time and data can be stored for later review during debriefing. It can also happen that, during melting, an aggregation with other particles occurs, leading to the formation of clusters that, immediately after, deposit either inside the mouth mucosa or along the respiratory system or inside the lung alveoli. In addition, unilateral nasal discharge and swelling in the oral cavity at the affected side may be observed [29]. There may be a spondylolitic crisis, namely acute severe low back pain with severe hamstring spasms and tightness. The most commonly used agents are particles, coils, cyanoacrylate glue, Onyx and gel-foam. Arterial perforation during infrainguinal lower limb angioplasty does not worsen outcome: results from 1409 patients. Assess any swelling to determine whether it is confined to the limits of the synovial cavity or extends beyond the joint boundaries, which would suggest infection, tumour or injury. If, as sentenced, that power plant had caused an irreversible pollution to a territory, it was only reasonable to think that its inhabitants could have suffered harmful consequences as, in fact, many of them maintained. Development the symptoms may recur and remit for periods of a few days or weeks if the stone moves about in the duct, sometimes obstructing it, sometimes not. A large, swollen limb that is made pale by severe oedema is called phlegmasia alba dolens. Transcervical expulsion of a fibroid as a result of uterine artery embolization for leiomyomata. These findings may reflect higher rates of enteric skin colonization and wound contamination in patients with fecal and urinary incontinence, limited soft tissue availability for wound coverage, or lack of sensation that may predispose to peri-incisional pressure ulceration of skin [21, 22]. After elevating the legs, patients should be asked to sit up and dangle their feet over the side of the couch. These include: Points away from the joint Cartilaginous cap Narrow pedicle soft tissue damage ­ ligaments, tendon and intra-articular structures; joint surface damage with chondral defects; neurovascular injury; chronic instability of the joint; recurrent dislocation; aseptic necrosis. One single centre, non-blinded, randomised controlled trial used oxygen saturation of less than 70% in central venous blood (measured via a central venous catheter) as a trigger for a resuscitation protocol that included giving red cells to keep the haemoglobin concentration more than 90-100 g/l. It is not called a mole because it does not contain an increased number of melanocytes. The femoral arterial pulse was present but the peripheral pulses were not palpable.

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Mixed infections, mainly with anaerobic microorganisms of the local flora, were frequent in oral abscesses. We described this situation in a chapter of the book Nanopathology [9] in 2008, but many other events have occurred since. The patient has sometimes observed the changes described above, but if the mole is on the sole of the foot or the back of the trunk where it cannot be seen, the patient may present with lymph gland enlargement or symptoms caused by distant metastases, such as weight loss, dyspnoea or jaundice. These are more correctly called pilar or trichilemmal cysts when they develop in the scalp, as they arise from infundibular parts of hair follicles and have no function. Unfortunately, there are no controlled clinical trials regarding antibiotic therapy of periimplantitis [59]. Examination Position Most alveolar abscesses point to the labial (outer) side of the jaw. Do not forget that herpes zoster may be the cause of severe abdominal pain before the rash develops and the diagnosis is clear (see Chapter 15). However, bronchoscopically directed sampling may miss the portion of lung worst affected by disease, so its sensitivity and specificity vary greatly (11-77% and 42-94%). History Patients with acute aortic regurgitation secondary to infective endocarditis or aortic dissection can present with acute heart failure and cardiovascular collapse. Some success in this regard has been achieved via targeting kinase signaling in both endothelial cells and pericytes (Bergers et al. Most programmes focus on four main tenets: dealing with the amount and type of voice use, reducing phonotraumatic behaviours, improving hydration, and enhancing lifestyle to improve vocal health, such as reducing caffeine and alcohol intake, smoking cessation, and managing medical conditions. This is the area of drainage of the superior vena cava, but it is not clear how this could affect their distribution. Growth and chemotherapeutic response in athymic mice of tumors arising from human glioma-derived cell-lines. Shortly afterwards, she was found to have several small lung metastases, two of which were treated by metastatectomy. Some patients, particularly those with aerobic infections, can be very unwell with high fever, signs of respiratory failure, and cardiovascular compromise, with tachycardia and hypotension. Human epidermal growth factor receptor 2-positive breast cancer and central nervous system metastases. Total tryptase concentrations measured in serum during an anaphylaxis episode can, however, sometimes be helpful later to confirm the diagnosis, especially in patients with drug or insect sting induced anaphylaxis and those with hypotension. Alteration of the e-cadherin/catenin complex may be either reversible (epigenetic) or irreversible (genetic). Vessels in the inferior pole of the testis appear enlarged when the patient is evaluated in a standing position,but no ectasia is detected if the examination is performed in the recumbent position. This approach is reported to have a lower rate of neurological complications as the endoscopic route targets the coeliac plexus from an anterior approach. Many patients exposed to high doses of radiation die from pulmonary complications or aplastic anaemia, and those who survive the early systemic effects may die later from radiation-induced malignant change in organs such as the thyroid gland. It is useful from a diagnostic perspective to break the tongue in the anterior two-thirds and the posterior third. Caveolin 1 is overexpressed and amplified in a subset of basal-like and metaplastic breast carcinomas: A morphologic, ultrastructural, immunohistochemical, and in situ hybridization analysis. It is only possible to be certain that there is thickened synovium in those joints where it has a clearly palpable edge beyond the joint line. It may be present acutely (upper respiratory tract infection, pneumonia, lung abscess) or in a chronic infection (chronic bronchitis, bronchiectasis). Early onset pneumonia occurs within four days of intubation and mechanical ventilation, and it is generally caused by antibiotic sensitive bacteria. The condition can also occur following a stroke or arterial or cardiac catheterization, and after trauma or surgery to the shoulder. The prolonged prone position and possible fat embolism may result in a deterioration of respiratory function. Sudden onset of an illness (minutes to several hours), with involvement of skin, mucosal tissue, or both (for example, generalised hives, itch, or flush or swollen lips, tongue, or uvula) And at least one of the following: Sudden respiratory symptoms and signs (for example, shortness of breath, wheeze, cough, stridor, hypoxaemia) Or Sudden reduced blood pressure or symptoms of end organ dysfunction (for example, hypotonia (collapse), incontinence) 2.