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These nanoparticles are injected intravenously and are taken up by macrophages in normal lymph nodes. The bladder should be positioned in the center of the operative field between the paired median umbilical ligaments and the urachal remnant noted at the dome running cranially toward the umbilicus. Chapter 76 Basic Hand-Assisted Laparoscopic Techniques invasive option in the treatment of large renal specimens. Meperidine offers a slightly more rapid onset of action and slightly shorter duration of analgesic activity than morphine sulfate. Each step requires a more deliberate approach to avoid frustration and to attain successful results. Abdominal and pelvic procedures are associated with the greatest incidence of premature labor. Application of a temporary ureter clamp for retroperitoneal laparoscopic ureterolithomy. Intraprostatic fiducials for localization of the prostate gland: 1392 Section 7 Image-Guided Diagnostics and Therapeutics: Lower Tract prostate gland during external radiotherapy. The rectus fascia is then opened in the middle of the horizontal mattress suture and the properitoneal fat spread to expose the peritoneum. Management of indirect inguinal hernias by laparoscopic closure of the neck of the sac. The Foley catheter should be removed early in the morning of postoperative day 1 unless there is a concern regarding urine output. Although the pelvic kidney is situated in the retroperitoneum, loops of bowel lie between the anterior abdominal wall and the kidney. Urolithiasis in graft kidneys has since been recognized as a complication of kidney transplantation. The seminal vesicle is subsequently placed in an EndoCatch bag and extracted through one of the 12-mm ports. A multi-institutional study on the safety and efficacy of specimen morcellation after laparoscopic radical nephrectomy for clinical stage T1 or T2 renal cell carcinoma. Preoperative evaluation the patient typically presents with incontinence of urine that usually follows delivery or pelvic surgery. Treatment success for renal stones of 20 mm or smaller was reported to be above 90%, and 92. Taking all the above anatomic features in to consideration, percutaneous access of horseshoe kidney is relatively safe and is often approached via the most superior calyx. More recent studies have focused on the potential of immunomodulation to augment cell death. The vas deferens must be identified and preserved during these maneuvers if it has not already been divided during laparoscopic pelvic lymphadenectomy or radical prostatectomy. Operative times are comparable to those of seminal vesiculectomy performed laparoscopically [20, 63]. Head rotation, flexion, and extension alter endotracheal tube position in adults and children. Does intrafascial dissection during nerve-sparing laparoscopic prostatectomy compromise cancer control Role of extent of fascia preservation and erectile function after robot-assisted laparoscopic prostatectomy. However, there was a wide variation in length of stay due to the differences in economic health systems and cultural background. Once the canula has been passed through the abdominal Secondary trocar technique After successful creation of the pneumoperitoneum and placement of the initial trocar, secondary trocars are placed under videoendoscopic vision. Ischemia with intermittent reperfusion reduces functional and morphologic damage following renal ischemia in the rat. The hilum must be skeletonized as much as possible to allow application of the stapler. One of the issues of note for retroperitoneal pyeloplasty has been the potential to miss the presence of an anterior crossing vessel and subsequent persisting obstruction. A warm operating room, body-temperature isotonic irrigant, brief anesthetic induction, short operative times, proper draping, and monitoring of body temperature should decrease the incidence of hypothermia and hyponatremia [43]. In the newer generation robotic surgical systems, the optical viewer, arm rest, and foot pedals can be easily adjusted for surgeon comfort. In the majority of cases, recurrence manifests as distant metastases rather than local disease, which occurs in less than 5% of cases. Laparoscopy has been utilized to mobilize the peritoneum and capping the neovagina with bowel serosa.

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Most research in to healthcare cost takes the perspective of the hospital, since hospital costs and expenditures are easier to define, even though they may vary somewhat from center to center and from country to country. The benefit of minimally invasive techniques for this procedure still has to be proven conclusively. Many surgeons feel that fixation is crucial to reducing hernia recurrence by preventing the mesh from rolling up and uncovering the hernia defect. Freedom from biochemical or clinical failure was significant and increased with time in favor of the higher dose: 85% versus 78% at 5 years, 78% versus 59% at 8 years, and 73% versus 50% at 10 yrs (P =. The finding of positive aspiration cytologies in only 14% of proven cystic malignancies [157] and the case report by Meng et al. As experience with current cryotherapy technology grows, we are likely to see long-term results in the near future. Conventional and novel equipment and platforms that have been used to overcome these obstacles will then be discussed. When left untreated, approximately half of these patients will experience a stone-related event, for which more than half will require a secondary surgical intervention. Postoperative nausea and vomiting after discharge from outpatient surgery centers. The long axis of the kidney is orientated in the sagittal plane, such that the posterior calyces are orientated dorsomedially and the frontal row points dorsolaterally. Particular attention is focused on whether the patient has any urologic history, such as gross hematuria, nephrolithiasis, pyelonephritis, renal cysts or tumors. Most complications relate to the initial misplacement of the double-J stent or conservative treatment of anastomotic leakage. Under fluoroscopic guidance, the guidewire is advanced in to the renal pelvis or beyond the level of the stone. Of course, this is predicated on the fact that the manufacturer-established isotherms, which were developed in nonhuman, nonliving, nonsolid sources, are accurate [39]. Both bags are mounted on a metal ring, which is delivered by advancing an inner core handle to spring the bag open. These techniques allow for dose escalation, which has been shown to improve the outcome of localized prostate cancer. These movements and changes result in reduced accuracy and either underdosing the target or overdosing nearby critical structures. The efficacy and safety of transdermal scopolamine for the prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting:a quantitative systematic review. Technique With the patient in a supine position, flexible cystoscopy is performed and a ureteral stent is placed in the ureter if possible. Hand-assisted laparoscopic radical heminephrectomy for renal-cell carcinoma in a horseshoe kidney. However, distant metastatic spread to bone, brain, liver, and lung should be considered as part of the overall work-up for penile cancer. Clearly a major limitation of this approach is its applicability to only half the population as it is limited to women. As a result, the surgeon may divide the dorsal vein too close to the prostatic apex in attempts to avoid cutting the previously placed suture. An injury can occur while dilating the ureteral orifice, introducing the uretero- scope, or during antegrade/retrograde passage of guidewires or baskets, and it is imperative that these injuries be recognized promptly to minimize long-term sequelae. A meticulous dissection that duplicates open surgery is required when this operation is performed. There were no major differences with regards to shoulder, upper back, and lower back pain. In conclusion, the optimum of low rates of hydrocele formation and of recurrence can be achieved with the microsurgical or laparoscopic routes. The cryoablation suite consists of a console that monitors and controls the procedure, argon (and sometimes helium) pressurized gas tanks, a urethral warming device, and peripherals (transrectal stepper-mounted ultrasound, cryoprobes, and thermocouples).

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UltraCision Harmonic Scalpel Long Shears ultrasonic scissors were used via the transvesical port for dividing the renal artery and vein. Here we describe the important features of exit from retroperitoneal and extraperitoneal surgery. In specific circumstances, alternatives such as the use of a laryngeal mask airway, regional anesthesia, and local anesthesia can be considered. Calcium channel blockers such as nifedipine represent a valid and well-established pharmacologic treatment for urolithiasis owing to their spasmolytic action on the ureter. A tunnel is adequately dissected to obtain a 5:1 ratio of length to width; the detrusor muscle is divided full thickness using a cautery hook while keeping the mucosa intact and the bladder is inflated at this point to make this dissection easier. Management of lower pole renal calculi: shock wave lithotripsy versus percutaneous nephrolithotomy versus flexible ureteroscopy. Prostate cryoablation has acceptable functional outcomes both in the primary and salvage setting. Therefore, the benefit of preventing recurrent stones with medication or dietary modification must be weighed against the cost of treatment and the risk of side effects or the inconvenience of making a lifestyle change. Under transgastric visual guidance, needle-knife electrocautery was used to create a transvaginal port for a 5. Functional outcome and oncological efficacy of Vattikuti Institute prostatectomy with Veil of Aphrodite nerve-sparing: an analysis of 154 consecutive patients. The tissue volume that is destroyed by a single ultrasonic beam is called the "primary" lesion. The lack of functional reserve due to the absent contralateral kidney, with potentially detrimental outcome in case of perioperative problems, clearly indicates the need for referral of such patients to experienced centers. We believe that any patient with some degree of residual venous backflow or dilation should be followed for longer than 2 years. The insertion of the stent under direct cystoscopic vision is advised and the formation of a full loop in the bladder should be confirmed. Cyanoacrylic glue: a minimally invasive nonsurgical first line approach for the treatment of some urinary fistulas. The interaortocaval node packet is then rolled medially and completely dissected free (see Video 79. Cryptorchidism, orchidopexy and infertility: a critical long-term retrospective analysis. The excised cyst walls should be sent for pathologic inspection along with a biopsy of the base of the cyst. In an attempt to clarify the results, we further examined those series where pathologic confirmation was obtained in the form of a surgical specimen in 100% of cases, whether ex vivo or in the clinical setting, including with a preoperative percutaneous biopsy. A retroperitoneal exposure with fixation to the quadratus fascia only has been described with the port distribution as outlined for retroperitoneal nephrectomy [166]. All port sites should be irrigated thoroughly following removal and prior to closure. Urinary system symptoms may be present in up to 80% of patients with stented ureters. Consequently, cost from the patient perspective is highly variable and must be individualized. The kidney is then captured in the EndoCatch as previously described, and the peritoneal incision is widened and the specimen removed. The Bosniak classification is mainly used to characterize renal cysts [26, 27] (see Table 81. Handassisted laparoscopic nephrectomy for renal cell cancer with renal vein tumor thrombus. First, most staplers require a 12-mm port size in order to be safely passed in to the abdomen, and the jaws should be closed when introducing and withdrawing the instrument. Ureteral reconstruction Laparoscopic transureteoureterostomy An indication for this procedure is inadequate length of the affected ureter due to proximal or mid-ureteral damage leading to the inability to perform either an ureteroneocystostomy with or without a psoas hitch or a Boari flap. The comparison and efficacy of 3 different -adrenergic blockers for distal ureteral stones.

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The major advantage of this technique is the prolonged postoperative analgesia [98, 102]. Nephron sparing surgery for appropriately selected renal cell carcinoma between 4 and 7 cm results in outcome similar to radical nephrectomy. Hand-assisted access Hand-assisted laparoscopic surgery requires a primary access site for the hand to assist with videoendoscopic renal surgery. During robotic procedures the surgeon console can be positioned in a corner of the operating room, depending on room configuration. In the final phase of renal colic, relief can occur spontaneously at any time after the initial onset and most commonly lasts 1. An additional robotic trocar can be placed for use as an optional fourth arm, approximately 8 cm lateral to either the right or left robotic trocar. The stent contributed to the reduction of vesicoureteral reflux and postoperative renal infection due to its function as a partial catheter. Patients requesting this approach would need to be advised of the risk of tumor recurrence in the untreated area and the requirement for good compliance with follow-up. The external and internal iliac nodes drain in to the common iliac nodes, which communicate with the presacral nodes and drain in to the paraortic nodes. After balloon dissection, the stone location is usually evident and little further dissection is needed to reach the bulging ureter. Outpatient holmium laser lithotripsy using semirigid ureteroscope: Is the treatment outcome affected by stone load Assessment of novel ureteral occlusion device and comparison with Stone Cone in prevention of stone fragment migration during lithotripsy. This may be a benefit for particular medical conditions, like advanced liver cirrhosis [32]. Since that time, the number of living kidney donors decreased over the next 4 years to approximately 6000. Recently, investigators have begun to reassess diagnostic thresholds in an effort to reduce radiation exposure without sacrificing diagnostic efficacy, particularly in children with complex stone histories requiring serial imaging studies [13]. Specifically, they found no difference in cancer-specific survival between those who were pNx and pNo on multivariate analysis. At intra-abdominal pressures of 10 mmHg or greater, urine output, creatinine clearance, and renal vein flow decreased significantly despite minimal change in cardiac output. Once the renal artery and vein are isolated, an endovascular stapler or clips are used to secure the artery and vein. Negotiating the scope in all calyces was facilitated by rotating the kidney, so that the desired calyx was inline with the ureteral axis. Most appliers now also incorporate a visual indicator to show the operating room staff if the number of remaining clips is low. Suture anchors As an alternative to knot tying, suture anchors may be used to secure both running or interrupted sutures. One advantage of some of the commonly available devices, the ability to look through and direct the balloon as it dilates, can be duplicated as well by the surgeon at the operating table by tying the finger of the glove over a long 10-mm laparoscopic cannula instead of a catheter. Long-term results for the management of malignant and recurrent benign strictures are available: 18 malignant and 10 recurrent benign cases were treated with the Memokath 051 and followed up for a mean of 19. This chapter will outline a systematic approach for exiting the abdomen and focus on the technology and techniques of specimen entrapment, extraction, drainage, and various methods of abdominal wall closure. The recipient identity, their relationship to the donor, and the cause of their renal failure is reviewed. A final option for creation of the preperitoneal space is to insert a Veress needle, Hasson-type cannula, or dilating balloon directly in to the preperitoneal space either at the hernia site or, preferably, just above the symphysis pubis. Few data are available in the literature with regards to the outcomes of salvage cryosurgery. Accordingly, the quest for the perfect "trifecta" of cancer cure and preservation of complete continence and potency has caused several groups to review their experience and outcomes with radical prostatectomy. Of the five patients they transplanted with stones, four (80%) developed complications [4].

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The ureter and gonadal vein, if its entry point remains with the specimen, are identified medially on the psoas, dissected circumferentially, clipped, and divided. The OptiView introducer also comes in a 5-mm size and is shaped like a standard obturator rather than the pistol configuration. The bag is closed and torn away from the metallic ring when a separate string is pulled. This is due to the possibility of the robotic arms crashing in to each other during their movement. The expanding role of partial nephrectomy: a critical analysis of indications, results, and complications. Kulkarni and Bellamy have used the endoprosthesis for the management of ureteral obstruction of both benign and malignant etiology [74]. The secondary trocar site is checked by pushing downward at the site on the abdominal wall. The device used to secure the hilar vessels can be introduced via the periumbilical or lower quadrant port, depending upon which provides the best angle of approach to the hilum. The only structures at risk of injury here are the inferior epigastric vessels, which should be left on the anterior abdominal wall. Small series of robotically repaired obstructive megaureters with intracorporeal or extracorporeal ureteric tapering and ureteroneocystostomy have been reported with success as well [102]. Our practice is to scan the patient at 4 min and 9 min of each 10-min freeze cycle to ensure that the zone of ablation extends at least 5 mm beyond the edge of the tumor. Minimally invasive and endourologic techniques have broadened the available choice in the surgical management of these patients, decreasing the morbidity and shortening the convalescence associated with treatment of these stones. Research reporting standards for image-guided ablation of bone and soft tissue tumors. Prospective comparison of radical retropubic prostatectomy and robot-assisted anatomic prostatectomy: the Vattikuti Urology Institute Experience. Ideally, this would be achieved by excluding 5 mm of tissue on the contralateral lobe and treating only 90% of the prostate. Patients on medical therapy experienced a significant decrease in the stone-formation rate from a median of 1. Surgeons can exchange control of the instrument arms and endoscope using the surgeon touchpad, while an in-built intercom system facilitates communication. After removal of the specimen, the peritoneum is closed using a running 2-0 Vicryl, and a moistened laparotomy pad is placed in the incision. The choice of anesthesia and monitoring are mostly dependent on expected surgical challenges and patient comorbidities. Treatment of stones in caliceal diverticuli using retrograde endoscopic approach: critical assessment after 2 years. Laparoscopic extended pelvic lymphadenectomy for bladder cancer: technique and initial outcomes. Prostatic tissue destruction by high-intensity focused ultrasound: experimentation on canine prostate. Perioperative efficacy of laparoscopic partial nephrectomy for tumors larger than 4 cm. For this reason, we prefer a transperitoneal approach for this operation, although retroperitoneal exposure of the kidney with access and trocar distribution as described above has been described [160]. Engaging the handle again will reset the suture at the distal end of the instrument to prepare for the next pass. A fifth port (5 mm) may be placed in the left lower quadrant, or a suture may be used to retract the sigmoid colon. The direct cardiovascular effects of hypercarbia are difficult to distinguish from sequelae due to increased intra-abdominal pressure during laparoscopy.

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Care must be taken to avoid injury of the common peroneal nerve, the risk of which increases in patients with high body mass index, patients who smoke, and with an increased duration of surgery [60]. Among men, discomfort during rigid ureteroscopy seems to be related to the passage of the instrument through the membranous Chapter 60 Anesthesia for the Endourologic Management of Stone Disease 697 urethra and bladder neck [110]. Use abdominal strap to reduce the focal length Choose a long focal length lithotripter or high energy setting Use "blast path" technique when the stone is located a few centimeters from the center of focal area surgery. The patient was discharged on postoperative day number 1 and resumed normal activity on postoperative day 3. Anatomical radical retropubic prostatectomy: "curtain dissection" of the neurovascular bundle. In rare situations, proximal and distal control is obtained and suturing is performed. In addition, abnormal renal anatomy, such as a pelvic or horseshoe kidney or a double collecting system, may preclude endoscopic management or make it unfavorable. With subsequent developments, therapeutic procedures of the bladder became possible later in the 19th century. Forward pressure is applied using a slow continuous right-to-left twisting motion. At the University of Michigan, the 5-year recurrencefree survival in a series of 108 patients with a mean tumor size of 6. For extraperitoneal pelvic surgery it is prudent to create a small peritoneal window at the level of the umbilicus at the end of the case to expel pneumoperitoneum that will have accumulated. Impact of obesity in patients with urolithiasis and its prognostic usefulness in stone recurrence. Of these, the most useful may be handheld bulldog clamps for temporary vascular occlusion. It has been utilized as a one-stage approach even for infected urachal cysts with excellent results [36]. The adverse hemodynamic effects of anesthesia, head-up tilt, and carbon dioxide pneumoperitoneum during laparoscopic cholecystectomy. The mesentery or blood supply of the harvested ileal segment should be of adequate length to reach the pelvis without tension. A third trocar is then inserted just lateral to the palpated edge of the psoas muscle. Congenital seminal vesicle cysts may be associated with ipsilateral renal abnormalities, such as renal agenesis/dysplasia [13, 17, 18], polycystic kidney disease [19], as well as ureteral ectopia and ureterocele [20]. This chapter will address techniques for both closed and open peritoneal access, anterior abdominal wall anatomy, general considerations, technique, and rationale for secondary trocar configuration and complications. Several studies have demonstrated the feasibility of this procedure with excellent short-term results. Laparoscopic nephrectomy, radical nephrectomy and adrenalectomy: Nagoya experience. Since the kidneys normally do not contain lymphoid tissue, most cases of renal lymphoma are due to direct extension or hematogenous metastases. However, concern exists regarding bacterial seeding of the peritoneal cavity and consequentially, infectious complications. Once this is visualized laparoscopically, the obturator can be removed and a 24-inch 0-absorbable suture is placed through the obturator and in to the abdomen. Venous branches less than 4 mm in diameter can usually be secured using the Harmonic scalpel alone or with clips placed on the stay side to ensure adequate hemostasis. Steps of the procedure Step 1: Placement of a ureteral catheter or administration of indigo carmine this step is identical to that outlined above for renal cyst decortications when cysts closely approximate the collecting system. Ultrasound imaging cannot differentiate perfectly between complex cysts that need surgery and those that can be observed. Another potential complication, not reported in the literature, which has occurred following laparoscopic diverticulectomy is a persistent urine leak or urinoma development in the flank (T.

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Initial postoperative neuropraxia leads to a lack of erections, which leads to decreased blood flow and poor oxygenation to the corporal bodies. Medical evaluation and management Given the high rate of recurrence of nephrolithiasis, a medical prophylactic program to reduce the likelihood of recurrent stones seems desirable. While our team routinely leaves the fascia open after application of dilating trocars, we do perform a "digital inspection" (gentle Chapter 100 Laparoscopic Exit: Specimen Removal, Closure, and Drainage 1223 initially. They reported that all operative steps were performed transvaginally, including removal of the intact kidney transvaginally without assistance of additional ports. The retroperitoneum is insufflated to 15 mmHg pressure and the 10-mm 30o laparoscope is inserted. Validation of this system is currently underway at a number of institutions [103]. Along with the padding that is fixed to the table, this holds the patient sufficiently, avoiding the use of tape in the shoulder region. This rare situation creates a technical challenge in accessing pelvic kidneys and limits the utility of ureteroscopy in managing disease. Following dissection of the prevesical space, a cystotomy was made equal to the length of the incision in the medial aspect of the dilated right renal pelvis. Nevertheless, it may be noted that a large series from Nigeria has reported a high success rate with early repair even in obstetric fistulas [12]. Only on further evaluation with radiographic examination is an ectopic kidney identified as the cause [2]. Walsh and Donker are credited with the initial discovery of nerve fibers that run adjacent to the prostate gland to the penile bodies [2]. Furthermore, operative time may be increased as a result of docking and undocking the robot [21]. However, in patients with a large amount of subcutaneous tissue, the fascia may be difficult to see and isolate, which can lead to an inadequate closure. Special curved instruments are encouraged with this device in addition to an extra-long endoscope. Vigorous retraction of the ureter can cause proximal or distal migration of an indwelling ureteral stent, resulting in ineffective postoperative drainage. Similar to open operations, informed consent for laparoscopic surgical procedures should include a specific discussion of all potential major and minor complications. The surgeon may decrease insufflation pressures to 10 mmHg or less to insure no bleeding is visualized. Freedom from progression for patients receiving 125I versus 103Pd for prostate brachytherapy. Additionally, due to wide variations in cost parameters internationally, it is difficult to generalize conclusions drawn from one country to another. Both legs are kept straight with a pillow or other padding placed behind the knees for support. Primary localized amyloidosis of the genitourinary tract:immunohistochemical study of eleven cases. It has been speculated that the increased glomerular filtration rate and urine output on a per nephron basis that a transplanted kidney experiences may be sufficient to overcome any propensity the kidney may have for subsequent stone formation. In most series, the positive margin percentages decrease with greater experience and familiarity with the procedure. If the anastomosis was technically successful, a simple wound drain would seem reasonable.

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The neovaginal space can be created by making a U-shaped perineal flap and bluntly dissecting between the bladder and the rectum. Although the amount of bleeding may be insignificant, it affects good visualization of the field. Tumor recurrence incidence following hand-assisted laparoscopic nephroureterectomy. A series of 60 patients treated with focal cryoablation reported 72% potency rates after the procedure [42]. Vascular and enteric injuries on initial trocar entry of the abdomen have been reported to occur in 0. The specimen was removed via the vaginal opening after being placed in to a retrieval bag. Baseline assessment of relative renal uptake or function is useful to permit assessment of postoperative response. Therefore, the recommendation emphasizes an informed discussion of the risks and benefits of prostate cancer screening prior to biopsy, and the option of active surveillance instead of treatment for certain patients with prostate cancer. The pneumoproperitoneum is released after removal of the ports under direct vision at a pressure of 5 mmHg, and sites are closed as described earlier. The central blood volume is increased by redistribution of the venous blood and extracellular fluid from the legs and arms in the sitting position, while the central venous pressure is also elevated due to the water pressure against the thoracic wall [51]. If left unchecked, the hypercarbia and resultant respiratory acidosis can lead to depressed cardiac function and arrhythmias. Ureteroscopy and holmium laser lithotripsy in pregnancy: stents must be used postoperatively. Differential diagnosis includes ureterocele, congenital vesicle diverticulum, or cyst of a mullerian remnant, urogenital sinus, ejaculatory duct or prostate [15, 16]. Testicular torsion is unlikely in this setting but must be considered, especially if the onset of pain is acute. These innovative techniques require longer follow-up and more data to assess their oncologic efficacy and perioperative outcomes. Peripelvic cysts Most reported series do not clearly delineate between peripelvic and parenchymal cysts. How well does contralateral testis hypertrophy predict the absence of the nonpalpable testis Is an empty left hemiscrotum and hypertrophied right descended testis predictive of perinatal torsion The limited role of imaging techniques in managing children with undescended testicles. Unlike conventional radiologic staging, this technology does not rely on the size or shape of the lymph node and is therefore more accurate in detecting metastases. Flexible robotic retrograde renoscopy: description of novel robotic device and preliminary laboratory experience. Failure and malfunction of da Vinci Surgical systems during various robotic surgeries: experience from six departments at a single institute. Despite this encouraging initial experience, urothelial cancer is a potentially lethal disease and oncologic factors are likely to outweigh cosmetic issues in management decisions. One of the most useful multitasking hand positions is the "C" position (a term coined by Stephen E. Analgesia can be achieved by either caudal anesthesia or local injection of bupivacaine hydrochloride. Bladder volume the bladder appears to contribute less to target position variability than the rectum [41]. Because of the greater risk of injuring aberrant vessels or overlying abdominal viscera and nerves, the pelvic kidney presents additional treatment challenges for the urologist.